
  1. How to cite FasterDB and/or Elexir?

    If you have used FasterDB and/or Elexir, please cite:
    Mallinjoud P, Villemin JP, Mortada H et al. Endothelial, epithelial, and fibroblast cells exhibit specific splicing programs independently of their tissue of origin. Genome Res. (2013)

  2. Is there a tutorial for FasterDB?

    A tutorial can be found here.

  3. How FasterDB and Elexir were made?

    A document describes the steps that were necessary to collect, process, and organize this data.

  4. For which cell lines is there data in FasterDB?

    We have incorporated data for 51 cell lines (8 endothelial, 12 epithelial, 18 fibroblast and 13 cancer cell lines). More details about the cell lines can be found in this document.

  5. Which experiments have been included in FasterDB?

    We have integrated 18 CLIP datasets for 16 splicing factors as well as 6 siRNA datasets for 6 splicing factors. More details about these experiments can be found in this document.


  1. Which browsers are supported?

    Firefox (v20+), Chrome, Safari (v6.0+) are supported. There are however known issues with Internet Explorer.