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Previous gene FasterDB identifier: 19289 - Ccdc45 (ENSMUSG00000018372) coiled-coil domain containing 45 Gene Next gene
Gene Close
Symbol Ccdc45
Synonyms ENSMUSG00000018372
Description coiled-coil domain containing 45 Gene
EnsEMBL link ENSMUSG00000018372
Chromosome 11 - forward strand
Chromosomal location
(UCSC link)
106650566 - 106680174 (29609bp)
Sequence sequence
Associated transcripts NM_177088 NM_001166685 AK076400 AK165351 BC116308 BC116309 BC090675 AK052705 AK149412
Alternative 3' splice site (acceptor) Close
 Identifier   Position   Distance (bp)   Transcript 
Alternative 5' splice sites (donor) Close
 Identifier   Position   Distance (bp)   Transcript 
ASS1 2 -721 NM_177088
ASS2 13 -4 NM_177088
Intron retentions Close
 Identifier   Position   Transcript 
IR1 2 AK165351
Exon deletions Close
 Identifier   Position   Transcript 
ED1 2 AK165351
Transcription start sites Close
 Identifier   Position   Gene coordinates   Chromosomal coordinates   Transcript 
P1 1 1 106650566 NM_177088
P2 1 23 106650588 AK076400
P3 1 32 106650597 AK165351
P4 1 73 106650638 AK052705
P5 4 6027 106656592 AK149412
Protein prediction Close
 Transcript name   Sequence 
NM_177088 sequence
NM_001166685 sequence
AK076400 sequence
AK165351 sequence
BC116308 sequence
BC116309 sequence
BC090675 sequence
AK052705 sequence
AK149412 sequence
Polyadenylation Close
 Identifier   Position   Gene coordinates of cleavage site   Chromosomal coordinates of cleavage site   Pattern   PolyA tail   Accession number   Type 
PA1 3 4175 106654740 no AK165351 Full_length
PA2 5 11978 106662543 no AK149412 Full_length
PA3 12 23220 106673785 no AK052705 Full_length
PA4 20 29609 106680174 AATAAA yes NM_177088 Cdna
PA5 20 29609 106680174 AATAAA yes NM_001166685 Cdna
PA6 20 31084 106681649 CATAAA no BB080931 3prime_est
PA7 20 31504 106682069 AATGAA no BB139801 3prime_est

More polyadenylation sites ...

Exon skipping Close
 Identifier   Position   Transcript 
ES1 6 BC116309
ES2 7 NM_001166685
Splice site strength Close
 Identifier   Site   Exon   Strength   Alternative   Sequence 
S1 5' (donor) 1 10.1 no CTGgtgagt
S2 5' (donor) 2 -16.91 no TGCctctgc
S3 3' (acceptor) 2 9.06 no ccccacttcttccccaacagAAT
S4 5' (donor) 2 11.08 yes CAGgtaagg
S5 5' (donor) 3 8.02 no CAGgttagt
S6 3' (acceptor) 3 8.88 no ctttccctcccgccatacagACC
S7 5' (donor) 4 9.72 no AAAgtaagt
S8 3' (acceptor) 4 9.97 no tctgtgtcttctgtattcagGAG
S9 5' (donor) 5 4.58 no GAGgtagtg
S10 3' (acceptor) 5 11.54 no atgtttgtctttttaaacagGTG
S11 5' (donor) 6 10.13 no ATGgtgagt
S12 3' (acceptor) 6 3.32 no gtgagtgagccctttttcagGTG
S13 5' (donor) 7 9.6 no CAGgtgagc
S14 3' (acceptor) 7 9.45 no cttaatattctctttctcagGTG
S15 5' (donor) 8 10.36 no GTGgtaagt
S16 3' (acceptor) 8 6.3 no cccactgtaatctctcttagCAT
S17 5' (donor) 9 8.99 no AAGgtaatg
S18 3' (acceptor) 9 9.56 no ttttttttctgtttgaatagGAA
S19 5' (donor) 10 2.48 no TGGgcaagt
S20 3' (acceptor) 10 3.76 no atgtaaccactttattacagAGA
S21 5' (donor) 11 7.88 no CAGgtacca
S22 3' (acceptor) 11 2.68 no gtgaaagaatttctcaatagATG
S23 5' (donor) 12 7.56 no AAGgtacac
S24 3' (acceptor) 12 11.03 no atgacttttctgtgttgcagGAT
S25 5' (donor) 13 3.28 no TGGgtaaaa
S26 3' (acceptor) 13 8.49 no catgaccttattcttttcagGCA
S27 5' (donor) 13 2.99 yes ACAgtgggt
S28 5' (donor) 14 6.87 no CGAgtaaga
S29 3' (acceptor) 14 6.05 no tcttttcatccgcctctaagGGG
S30 5' (donor) 15 9.82 no GAAgtaagt
S31 3' (acceptor) 15 8.53 no catctctcatttcctcacagTGA
S32 5' (donor) 16 8.14 no CTGgtatgt
S33 3' (acceptor) 16 8.23 no gctttgtgttctccttaaagATA
S34 5' (donor) 17 8.35 no ATGgtatgt
S35 3' (acceptor) 17 9.52 no ccttcttcccccttccctagCAA
S36 5' (donor) 18 8.07 no CAGgtgggc
S37 3' (acceptor) 18 5.4 no tatgattaaataaccaacagATC
S38 5' (donor) 19 8.55 no CAGgtaata
S39 3' (acceptor) 19 12.09 no ttgtcttttcttccccacagTTT
S40 3' (acceptor) 20 5.17 no ctgacttagttctctttcagACA
Conserved exons Close
 Gene identifier human   Position mouse  Position human 
17385 2 2
17385 3 3
17385 4 4
17385 6 6
17385 8 8
17385 10 10
17385 11 11
17385 12 12
17385 13 13
17385 14 14
17385 15 15
17385 16 16
17385 17 17
17385 18 18
17385 19 19
17385 20 20
Report Close
 Exon   Number of supporting transcripts 
 Transcription initiation & first exon(s) 
1 4
4 1
 Transcription termination & last exon(s) 
3 1
5 1
12 1
20 4
 Exon skipping 
6 1
7 2
 Alternative 5' splice sites 
2 1
13 1
 Exon deletions 
2 1
 Intron retentions 
2 1
Splicing factors Close
 Splicing factor   Exon array   CLIP data   Exon position 
ESRP1/2 Yes
Nova/Nova1 Yes
PTBP1/2 Yes
RBM4 Yes
SFRS7 (9G8)
Expression Close
 Exon position   Tissues   Cell lines 
1 Expression Expression
2 Expression Expression
3 Expression Expression
4 Expression Expression
5 Expression Expression
6 Expression Expression
7 Expression Expression
8 Expression Expression
9 Expression Expression
10 Expression Expression
11 Expression Expression
12 Expression Expression
13 Expression Expression
14 Expression Expression
15 Expression Expression
16 Expression Expression
17 Expression Expression
18 Expression Expression
19 Expression Expression
20 Expression Expression
Exon-Intron Close
 Position   Type   Gene coordinates   Chromosomal coordinates   Length   Sequence   Features 
1 Exon 1 - 126 106650566 - 106650691 126 sequence download
1 Intron 127 - 1479 106650692 - 106652044 1353 sequence -
2 Exon 1480 - 2329 106652045 - 106652894 850 sequence download
2 Intron 2330 - 3225 106652895 - 106653790 896 sequence -
3 Exon 3226 - 3333 106653791 - 106653898 108 sequence download
3 Intron 3334 - 6871 106653899 - 106657436 3538 sequence -
4 Exon 6872 - 6982 106657437 - 106657547 111 sequence download
4 Intron 6983 - 10792 106657548 - 106661357 3810 sequence -
5 Exon 10793 - 10892 106661358 - 106661457 100 sequence download
5 Intron 10893 - 12211 106661458 - 106662776 1319 sequence -
6 Exon 12212 - 12327 106662777 - 106662892 116 sequence download
6 Intron 12328 - 15741 106662893 - 106666306 3414 sequence -
7 Exon 15742 - 15870 106666307 - 106666435 129 sequence download
7 Intron 15871 - 16984 106666436 - 106667549 1114 sequence -
8 Exon 16985 - 17178 106667550 - 106667743 194 sequence download
8 Intron 17179 - 19940 106667744 - 106670505 2762 sequence -
9 Exon 19941 - 20050 106670506 - 106670615 110 sequence download
9 Intron 20051 - 20376 106670616 - 106670941 326 sequence -
10 Exon 20377 - 20506 106670942 - 106671071 130 sequence download
10 Intron 20507 - 21944 106671072 - 106672509 1438 sequence -
11 Exon 21945 - 22098 106672510 - 106672663 154 sequence download
11 Intron 22099 - 23144 106672664 - 106673709 1046 sequence -
12 Exon 23145 - 23284 106673710 - 106673849 140 sequence download
12 Intron 23285 - 24509 106673850 - 106675074 1225 sequence -
13 Exon 24510 - 24615 106675075 - 106675180 106 sequence download
13 Intron 24616 - 25352 106675181 - 106675917 737 sequence -
14 Exon 25353 - 25485 106675918 - 106676050 133 sequence download
14 Intron 25486 - 26216 106676051 - 106676781 731 sequence -
15 Exon 26217 - 26386 106676782 - 106676951 170 sequence download
15 Intron 26387 - 26482 106676952 - 106677047 96 sequence -
16 Exon 26483 - 26557 106677048 - 106677122 75 sequence download
16 Intron 26558 - 27401 106677123 - 106677966 844 sequence -
17 Exon 27402 - 27554 106677967 - 106678119 153 sequence download
17 Intron 27555 - 28582 106678120 - 106679147 1028 sequence -
18 Exon 28583 - 28729 106679148 - 106679294 147 sequence download
18 Intron 28730 - 28944 106679295 - 106679509 215 sequence -
19 Exon 28945 - 29016 106679510 - 106679581 72 sequence download
19 Intron 29017 - 29282 106679582 - 106679847 266 sequence -
20 Exon 29283 - 29609 106679848 - 106680174 327 sequence download
Close  5' untranslated regions 
 UTR 1   UTR 2   UTR 3   UTR 4   UTR 5 
 Supporting GenBank
accession identifers 
 Length  107 85 76 611 954
 Number of ATGs in frame  0 0 0 6 9
 Total number of ATGs  0 0 0 10 17
 Number of GTGs in frame  1 0 0 5 11
 Total number of GTGs  3 2 2 11 20
 Number of CTGs in frame  0 0 0 3 7
 Total number of CTGs  1 0 0 6 10
 Number of micro ORFs in frame  0 0 0 0 0
 Total number of micro ORFs  0 0 0 1 1
 GC percentage  69 69 68 47 49
 Number of pyrimidine tracks  1 0 0 2 7
Close 3' untranslated regions 
 UTR 1   UTR 2   UTR 3 
 Supporting GenBank
accession identifers 
 Length  2530 989 135
 Number of ATGs in frame  19 2 1
 Total number of ATGs  51 23 4
 Number of GTGs in frame  19 0 1
 Total number of GTGs  68 17 1
 Number of CTGs in frame  18 1 1
 Total number of CTGs  45 8 1
 GC percentage  41 44 29
 Number of pyrimidine tracks  19 3 0
miRNAs Close
 Identifier    Name    Gene coordinates   Chromosomal coordinates   Prediction algorithm 
Group 1
M1 mmu-miR-150 1576 - 1597 106652141 - 106652162 miranda
Group 2
M1 mmu-miR-187 28615 - 28636 106679180 - 106679201 miranda
Group 3
M1 mmu-miR-136 29302 - 29325 106679867 - 106679890 miranda
M2 mmu-miR-24 29499 - 29521 106680064 - 106680086 miranda
M3 mmu-miR-149 29502 - 29523 106680067 - 106680088 miranda
M4 mmu-miR-149 29516 - 29523 106680081 - 106680088 pictar
M5 mmu-miR-590-3p 29555 - 29573 106680120 - 106680138 miranda
Protein features Close
 Category   Feature identifier   Feature name   Exons   Start on gene   End on gene 
Catalytic EXONT:006095 Chitinase II 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,14,16 46948 55684
Catalytic EXONT:002693 Glycoside hydrolase, family 18, catalytic domain 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,14 46951 55040
Catalytic EXONT:002904 Glycoside hydrolase, chitinase active site 8 49229 49255
Binding EXONT:003280 Chitin binding domain 16 55763 55918
Localization EXONT:000019 Signal_peptide 4,5,6 43174 46947
Localization EXONT:000071 Transmembrane_helix 4,5,6 43186 46980
Localization EXONT:000067 Nuclear_export_signal 9,10 49662 50518
Localization EXONT:000064 Nuclear_localization_signal 14,16 55059 55687
Structure EXONT:000071 Transmembrane_helix 4,5,6 43186 46980
Structure EXONT:000051 Beta_strand 6 46951 46971
Structure EXONT:000037 Peptide_helix 6 46978 46986
Structure EXONT:000037 Peptide_helix 6 46993 47001
Structure EXONT:000037 Peptide_helix 6 47011 47019
Structure EXONT:000022 Polypeptide_turn_motif 6 47026 47034
Structure EXONT:000051 Beta_strand 6 47038 47070
Structure EXONT:000051 Beta_strand 6 47077 47085
Structure EXONT:000037 Peptide_helix 6 47101 47139
Structure EXONT:000051 Beta_strand 7 47719 47739
Structure EXONT:000022 Polypeptide_turn_motif 7 47743 47751
Structure EXONT:000037 Peptide_helix 7,8 47758 49165
Structure EXONT:000037 Peptide_helix 8 49172 49222
Structure EXONT:000051 Beta_strand 8 49235 49249
Structure EXONT:000051 Beta_strand 8 49265 49273
Structure EXONT:000037 Peptide_helix 8,9 49286 49589
Structure EXONT:000051 Beta_strand 9 49605 49622
Structure EXONT:000037 Peptide_helix 9 49632 49652
Structure EXONT:000037 Peptide_helix 9,10 49659 50488
Structure EXONT:000051 Beta_strand 10 50492 50506
Structure EXONT:000051 Beta_strand 10 50534 50542
Structure EXONT:000037 Peptide_helix 10 50585 50599
Structure EXONT:000037 Peptide_helix 10,11 50606 52987
Structure EXONT:000037 Peptide_helix 11 53000 53008
Structure EXONT:000051 Beta_strand 11 53009 53053
Structure EXONT:000074 Intrinsically_unstructured_polypeptide_region 11 53075 53104
Structure EXONT:000051 Beta_strand 11 53081 53095
Structure EXONT:000022 Polypeptide_turn_motif 11 53108 53116
Structure EXONT:000051 Beta_strand 11 53129 53137
Structure EXONT:000037 Peptide_helix 11,12 53138 53483
Structure EXONT:000051 Beta_strand 12 53502 53516
Structure EXONT:000022 Polypeptide_turn_motif 12 53517 53528
Structure EXONT:000051 Beta_strand 12 53529 53546
Structure EXONT:000051 Beta_strand 12 53553 53564
Structure EXONT:000037 Peptide_helix 12,14 53574 54962
Structure EXONT:000051 Beta_strand 14 54975 54989
Structure EXONT:000037 Peptide_helix 14 54993 55001
Structure EXONT:000051 Beta_strand 14 55017 55031
Structure EXONT:000037 Peptide_helix 14 55041 55067
Structure EXONT:000074 Intrinsically_unstructured_polypeptide_region 16 55682 55792
PTM EXONT:000121 L-cystine (cross-link) 6 46960 47037
PTM EXONT:000935 Cysteinylation (disulfide with free L-cysteine) 6 46960 47037
PTM EXONT:000382 N4-glycosyl-L-asparagine 7 47746 47748
PTM EXONT:000992 N4-(N-acetylamino)glucosyl-L-asparagine 7 47746 47748
PTM EXONT:000161 O-phospho-L-serine 8 49199 49201
PTM EXONT:000162 O-phospho-L-threonine 11 53027 53029
PTM EXONT:000121 L-cystine (cross-link) 12,14 53484 55025
PTM EXONT:000935 Cysteinylation (disulfide with free L-cysteine) 12,14 53484 55025
PTM EXONT:000121 L-cystine (cross-link) 16 55868 55909
PTM EXONT:000935 Cysteinylation (disulfide with free L-cysteine) 16 55868 55909
Unclassified EXONT:002692 Glycoside hydrolase, catalytic domain 6,7,8,9,10,11 46951 53038
Unclassified EXONT:002691 Glycoside hydrolase, superfamily 6,7,8,9,10,11 46951 53044
Unclassified EXONT:002692 Glycoside hydrolase, catalytic domain 12,14,15,16,17 53547 59769
Unclassified EXONT:002691 Glycoside hydrolase, superfamily 12,14 53568 55070
Gene Ccdc45

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Exon 1Exon 2Exon 3Exon 4Exon 5Exon 6Exon 7Exon 8Exon 9Exon 10Exon 11Exon 12Exon 13Exon 14Exon 15Exon 16Exon 17Exon 18Exon 19Exon 1Exon 2Exon 3Exon 4Exon 5Exon 6Exon 7Exon 8Exon 9Exon 10Exon 11Exon 12Exon 13Exon 14Exon 15Exon 16Exon 17Exon 18Exon 19Exon 20Extended region